Bow Ridge  
USGS 7.5' Map: Kings Canyon
Difficulty: Number: Miles: Altitude: Obstacles: Time:
Easy 2 FR 884 0.60 9440 to 9700 ft. NA 15 min.
County: Jackson
Adopted by:      
Managed by: Routt National Forest,
Parks Ranger District
100 N. Main (P.O. Box 158)
Walden, Colorado 80480
Summary: Bow Ridge 4WD road is a short connecting road between Old Roach and Pinkham Creek.
Attractions: NA
Natural - Closed by heavy snows
Best Time: June - Possible snow drifts
July - Best
August - Best
September - Best
October - Early snows possible
Trail Heads
Camping: There are no dispersed sites on Bow Ridge, but at the western end of the road there are campsites on other 4WD roads.
Base Camp: This would be a good area to base camp and explore the roads north of the Walden North Sand Hills.
Fall Colors: Poor - Mostly pine forest
Navigation: From Walden, CO. head north on CO-125 N/Main St 13.2 miles. Continue straight onto CO-127 N for 3.6 miles. Turn right onto County Rd 6E and go 276 feet. Continue straight onto County Rd 46/FR204 and go 3.8 miles. Turn right onto Bow Ridge, FR884.
Bow Ridge is a short road between the Parks Ranger District and the Canyon Lakes Ranger District of the US Forest Service. From the east side the road starts where Pinkham Creek, FR157, ends, at a fence line on top of the ridge.
Top of Ridge

photo by:
Adam M

The road is a single lane road that is a bit rough in spots.
Lower section

photo by:
Adam M

It quickly drops down the ridge and connects in with the Upper Pinkham Creek, FR880, road.
Data updated - December 2, 2023       4WD Road driven - September 3, 2023       Copyright - 2000-2023