Site Administrator:

Adam Mehlberg

Member of -

  • Trailridge Runners 4WD Club
  • Colorado Association of 4WD Clubs
  • United 4WD Associations
  • Blue Ribbon Coalition
  • Tread Lightly!
My CJ7 in Moab Utah
I have a 1979 Jeep CJ-7. My favorite four wheel drive trip includes no breakdowns, Colorado sunshine, and finding an old ghost town or mine that I had not visited before.

Experience -

  • Four Wheeling since 1982 in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming.
  • Working with the Forest Service on 4WD roads and volunteer projects since 1988.
  • Land Use Chairman for the Colorado Association of 4WD Clubs from 1993 to 1999.
  • Was an area leader for the Blue Ribbon Coalition Road and Trail Inventory project of 1999-2000.
  • Annually coordinate projects on three Adopted 4WD roads with Trailridge Runners 4WD Club.
  • Adopt-A-Road Chairman for the Colorado Association of 4WD Clubs from 2007 to present.
My CJ7 in Moab Utah
I also have a 1984 Jeep CJ-8 built from salvage parts. It has a 1992 Ford 4.9L engine, T19 Transmission, and Ford 9" rear differential.

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